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Advocacy Councils

As the leading advocate for the homebuilding industry in the greater Sacramento region, 十博欧洲杯致力于维护和促进其成员的经济利益, 同时也努力提高该行业的地位,使其成为地区经济的重要贡献者. 十博欧洲杯继续与当地司法管辖区和主要机构就支持房屋建设的必要性保持密切沟通.

十博中文网站的政府和公共事务部门通过倡导促进健康建筑环境的公共政策来代表该行业, so that well-planned communities continue growing to meet the region’s housing needs.

Few industries are as influenced by local government regulations, fees, and policies as the building industry. NS十博欧洲杯是其北加州多县地区成员的代表.


Jobs created


In Taxes generated

Because of our industry’s impact on our region’s economy, the NS十博欧洲杯’s efforts are particularly important. For instance, 萨克拉门托地区一年内新建房屋带来的经济效益超过7美元.40亿美元,创造6.6万个就业岗位,并为联邦、州和地方带来8.79亿美元的税收.

我们的政府关系团队的任务是在我们代表我们的行业倡导时,战略性地有效地提供有关住宅建筑行业经济影响和创造就业机会的信息. 我们接受政策委员会(建筑商和开发商委员会)的意见和指导,这些委员会由NS十博欧洲杯成员组成,他们在与收费和土地开发相关的关键问题上具有特定的地理利益和/或专业知识.

Group 1167

Group 1168

Group 1169

Group 1170

Group 1171

Our Strategic Approach

Providing effective jurisdictional coverage and proactively shaping public policy

Building effective advocacy capacity in our collaborative partnership.

Creating policy that benefits the industry and the community

Engaging in political advocacy that supports our members’ interests

Providing campaign support for business-minded candidates

Recent Awards

The North State 十博欧洲杯 won the Best Local Government Affairs Program in the U.S. 2019年,美国全国房屋建筑商协会(National Association of Homebuilders)通过创建住房信托基金(housing Trust Placer),停止了过高的经济适用房费用, 这是一个独立的非营利组织,旨在从各种渠道为该县负担得起的项目筹集资金.

2016 Best Local Government Affairs Program in the U.S. for building the largest local PAC in the region and executing effective campaign strategies

2021 Policy Highlights

十博欧洲杯 Helps City of Sacramento Win Planning Award 
美国规划协会(APA)加州分会最近授予萨克拉门托市规划部2021年规划机构奖. They based their selection on four criteria: quality, outreach and engagement, innovation, and implementation. 该市在申请APA时强调的几个关键举措是其简化的ADU规则, the “e-Comment” online planning public comment and engagement tool, the housing streamlining ordinance, and its Citizen’s Planning Academy. The 十博欧洲杯 was delighted to support and champion the city’s application to APA for this award.

Rancho Cordova Council Votes To Re-Establish Planning Commission

In 2021, the Rancho Cordova City Council, at the request of the 十博欧洲杯, voted to re-establish the planning commission. 如果恢复计划委员会,就不会要求所有项目都要经过市议会的听证,从而有助于简化开发流程,缩短审批时间. The commission will hear and decide on quasi-judicial actions such as conditional use permits, major design reviews, tentative maps, variances and director-level appeals.

十博欧洲杯 Fee Study Prompts Policy Changes at Sac County  

十博欧洲杯的一项综合研究显示,萨克拉门托地区的地方政府向房屋建筑商收取100美元的费用,000 per door, which was used as the basis to stop a large park fee, as well as to create policy changes at Sac County.

BOLD Program Approved by Sacramento County


Regional Poll on Housing Issues


Inclusionary Zoning Report

十博欧洲杯工作人员协调编写了一份关于包容性分区负面影响的报告, which will be used as we address this issue in several jurisdictions in 2022.

Over $1 Million Secured for Housing Trust Placer 

十博欧洲杯成立的经济适用房非营利组织今年通过十博欧洲杯的支持获得了多项赠款和资金奖励. Most significantly, a $500,在十博欧洲杯的工作人员与C十博欧洲杯合作,削减了HCD的官僚作风后,州政府授予了1万美元的赠款. 这笔钱与今年早些时候通过普莱塞县获得的十博欧洲杯支持的当地基金相匹配.

South Placer Transportation Fee Deferral Upheld

通过十博欧洲杯工作人员与民选官员合作,阻止了在Placer县增长地区取消收费延期计划的企图,以保持该计划的有效性. Members estimate this program saves them $2000-$3000 per unit.

Rocklin Park Fee Proposal Stopped

罗克林市议会同意十博欧洲杯的立场,即工作人员提出的费用不可行,并指示他们与十博欧洲杯合作,在2022年以合作的方式回归. Previously, 由于十博欧洲杯问题基金资助的nexus审查提出的问题,纽约市已经放弃了他们的试用费提案. The initial proposal called for a nearly $6000 increase per unit.


2020 Policy Highlights

North State 十博欧洲杯 Receives National Award for Housing Trust

The North State 十博欧洲杯 won the Best Local Government Affairs Program in the U.S. 2019年,美国全国房屋建筑商协会(National Association of Homebuilders)通过创建住房信托基金(housing Trust Placer),停止了过高的经济适用房费用.

十博欧洲杯 Kept the Building Industry Open During Pandemic

十博欧洲杯的工作人员与当地政府合作,允许房屋建设继续进行,并成功地延长了普莱塞县的许可证, Sacramento County and El Dorado County as well as in the cities of Sacramento, Roseville, Rocklin and Folsom and West Sacramento. The 十博欧洲杯 also convinced the U.S. Army Corps to grant extensions of wetland 404 Permits throughout the region.

Regional Election Successes

十博欧洲杯拥有该地区最大和最活跃的政治行动委员会,预算为450美元,000 each cycle.  This year, 80% of the candidates and causes the 十博欧洲杯 supported were victorious. The 十博欧洲杯 played a major role in electing leaders in Sacramento County, Folsom, Roseville, Rocklin and Elk Grove.

Sacramento County Entitlement Reform


New Drainage Standards at Sacramento County

The 十博欧洲杯 passed new drainage standards that are clearer and offer more county accountability.

Sacramento Central City Impact Fee Increase Waived

The Sacramento City Council unanimously waived an increase of the Central City Impact Fee.

十博欧洲杯 Stops Rocklin Fees


El Dorado County Reduces TIM Fee Update Proposal

The 十博欧洲杯 successfully reduced transportation fee program by $20,000/unit from the original proposed increase.

2019 Legislative and Policy Highlights




Three meetings to improve relationships with utilities were held for infill, single-family residential builders and custom home builders.


成功地鼓励Placer县工作人员和监事会改变他们的可持续发展计划,以鼓励, rather than require, any mandates that exceed the 2020 construction code.

Successfully urged Roseville, Rocklin and Elk Grove to adopt the BOLD financing option to make building more viable.

Partnered with the City of Elk Grove and CCSD to amend the local fire code, 特别是“偏远”的定义,这将对未来的住房项目产生不利影响.

Worked to steer Measure U funding opportunities back to affordable housing, identifying $100 million in gap funding over the next five years.

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